Saturday, July 13, 2013

Heading to Tucson

Ken and I headed to Tucson first thing this morning.  Jeremy said this week Noah was missing us....could we come play...and while here Noah wanted a cooking lesson....perhaps green chile burros....and maybe can we spend the night....and if so can they leave for a bit of a "staycation"???? That didn't take time to think about so here we are. We've had a big day. lots of fun.  Cooked during naptime so Noah missed his cooking lesson. :-)  A couple different meals are in the freezer with some for tomorrow.  They've only text about 4 one called tho!  This really is their first time away from him.  So I"m sure they are having a great break and so are we!  
Brought Noah a backpack and Curious George...gotta love those Kohls deals and there I am at work and they just stare at me until I buy them!  When you are 2 you can wear your back pack in the front! 
 George shared lunch too!  And he loves singing the Wheels on the bus!  He's got great arms for action!

 They have a great park right by their house, just behind it in fact! Lots of fun toys with several structures. I can tell he's so brave on all the slides he's been out there alot.  It really is cooler here in Tucson!  Some great clouds coming thru today but no rain...rats!

 Can you tell we are having fun!

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