Thursday, July 18, 2013

Our 4th of July

We had a great celebration time on the 4th of July.  Full of family, didn't get a photo of everyone but we all had a great time.  Chris and MB hosted us at their home, lots of great food and family there, always fun to spend time with MB's family and catch up with them too.  Weather wasn't so great this year like last years unheard of 80 degree evening!  But we cooled off in the pool, Chris cooked hot dogs on the grill, we all brought yummy sides and by dark the pyrotechnic happened as usual with the neighbors!
Here's Aiden
 Mr. Brock with a ball in mid-bounce!

 Amy and Chris, they all had their matching red shirts on!
 Papa and Brockers
 These made my mouth water just looking at them!
 Chris and Eric have alot of fun with their firecrackers!

 Amy and Aiden

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