Friday, October 25, 2013

I love the Tucson Zoo

Last month we got to go to Tucson for an overnight and enjoyed time of course with this little guy!!!  We spent the morning going to the zoo and it was wonderful. I'm so glad they live so close to it and have the opportunity to go very often!
 The elephants were wonderful, they have a wonderful family of them there unlike the phx. zoo which has 2 that don't get along so you only see one in the enclosure at a time and so there is no interaction!  I was amazed watching them, they have a huge area to be in with interactive things along one side of the exhibit and I loved just watching them, they are very touchy-feely kind of animals which I didn't know since at the Phx. zoo you only see one elephant at a time.  They stand close to each other and have their trunks running over each other all the time.
 They went for a swim even which was amazing!  I could have watched them for hours.
 It's very close to where you stand, that's Noah there in the red hat.
 So it was a fun weekend and fun to go to the zoo, I hope we can go back again soon. Maybe before Jeremy deploys.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great zoo...a fun destination with your grandchildren!
