Friday, November 15, 2013

New House

Here's an update on our new house.  We took my parents out to see where it was on friday and walked in to this....awe the cabinets have arrived!  They were busy out front pouring the driveway and as of yesterday we have light fixtures too.  
 A couple days later and the cabinets are hung!  Something different for us in this house are white cabinets.  They have a pretty brown glaze.  That's the microwave/oven cabinet with the pantry off to the right.  Now we can go pick out a refrigerator since we have the size and our built in one is staying with this house.
 The island and bathrooms are this darker stain.  I have a feeling the tile crew will be in next.  Fun to see what's happening.  And the sorting and packing continues!

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