Saturday, September 5, 2009

A finished quilt ( whew just in time) !!!

This is one of those projects you start and throw together as fast as you can cuz your heart wants to do it ! This project evolved 2 weeks ago when my dear friend Judy called and told me she's getting married. Now for you that don't know Judy, she's been my friend for 30+ years , part of my "thursday club" and that group has been thru alot of trials and triumphs together holding each other up, celebrating happy things and all of lifes little pleasures and bumps in the road. Well Judy's husband left her about 20 years ago soon after their 10th child was born. She's picked herself up, put herself thru school and supported those 10 children by teaching school and swimming lessons. Now that they are almost all grown ( one more still at home) she's taken on the responsibility of raising her deceased sons 3 children, the youngest whom is 3. So Judy has fallen in love and found one amazing guy as most would have looked at this whole situation and run the other way. They've thrown together a wedding to celebrate so that when the final adoption papers for these children come thru this month he can be on the papers. So I"m hearing word from the bride yesterday that yep all 40+ of her grandchildren will be walking her down the aisle ! If anyone needs a lesson on true family values I'm sure this group can give it to them !

So back to this quilt, I of course thought what can I do to celebrate them but a quilt. So Denise helped me pick fabric one day at work and I threw ( literally) this fast quilt together, quilted it yesterday after getting home from preschool , put the binding on and sewed it down by machine since that will be the sturdiest for that household. Label went on this morning after getting home from my 5:00 AM bike ride to meet my sister for our walk and whew thank goodness it's done as little boys all just left. Tied a big fluffy ribbon on it, smeared on some makeup, took off the playdoh baby gooed clothes and Ken and I are out the door to celebrate Judy and Gary !

1 comment:

  1. Truly a one of a kind guy makes a wonderful story like this. What an incredible lady your friend is. And all the grandchildren, how beautiful. Naturally a beautiful quilt from Terry.
