Saturday, September 5, 2009

Judy's wedding

For those of you who know Judy you will enjoy a few little tidbts about her wedding last night. Ken and I enjoyed being included in this wonderful family event. All 40+ of the grandchildren proceeded her down the ailse in their sunny yellow outfits, the little girls all in fluffy yellow skirts and there were a gazillion of them ! Ken said look at all the "little Judy's" !!!!

Here's a fast snap of how cute they all looked at the end crowding to congratulate Grandma! That's a whole lot of congratulations Grandma with over 40 little girls and boys ! We all enjoyed taco salads and wonderful wedding cake after the ceremony. The bride and groom got to dance and promptly ended their nice slow number with a rap happy song so all the little kids cheered and joined them on the dance floor ! and the 60 year old newly weds kept up for a few minutes before bailing so the kids could have fun !
Here are the newlyweds Gary and Judy! Judy looked so pretty in her black suit. They are off to a honeymoon for a week at the beach, something I don't think Judy has ever experienced, time away alone !
I got a kick out of Aiden as he and I chatted on the phone after school on friday, I told him I was going to a wedding for Miss Judy his swimming teacher and he promptly thought, if she was getting married, maybe she'd get a baby ! So thankyou Judy and Gary for including us in your special moment and we are so happy to know you can share your lives together !

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