Here's something fun Ken likes to do....take the boys to his favorite place, the golf course! He took Aiden and Garrett late one day, we had such trouble finding a course open, they really wanted to hit on the driving range, but with all the over seeding we had to be happy with some time putting.
Garrett has gotten so tall or did his clubs shrink! Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Rocket Launch!
We were lucky to get invited to the big cub scout rocket launch last week. Each of the scouts built a rocket and then got to shoot them off at the local park. Here is Aiden with his...
Here are the brave leaders...Even Bode and Chris came for some fun!
there were actually only about 5 cub scouts there but about 50 neighborhood kids came by for the excitement!
Bode got to shoot one off with his Daddy...
Garretts grin...priceless! What fun!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Happy Birthday Christopher!
Today is my son Chris's Birthday! Just a few fun shots of him a couple years ago when he took Ken and I for a flight...
Happy Birthday Chris, you are one amazing person! I hope you'll get to fly again one day, between 2 baby boys and a very crazy life too there isn't much time! Thursday, October 25, 2012
Sew and Go
Just had to show you the fun project we did the first part of Oct. at Sew and Go. Everyone loved their pumpkin table runners. We had faces that could go on to make them jack o lanterns but most chose to leave them plain.
Lots of fun projects went home! Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Little Boy Weekend
Lucky us got to have a little boy weekend! Lots of fun to be had....a picnic with pizza! To nice to be inside!
Such fun to have time to play!
Garrett had a baseball game. We went again this last weekend and my everyone is improving! So cute to watch them with coach pitched games! Garrett hits the ball line drive to the right field! That's him on 3rd base.
Another picnic, this time we got subway and walked to the park, then we just so happened to have to get..
ice cream cones! Another spend the night this weekend and another movie night! I'm so entertained with fun movies for kids, The Lorax last weekend and this weekend we watched How to Train your Dragon! Fun movie, popcorn and little boys falling asleep on your lap!
New Block of the month
Barb and I are coordinating a new Block of the Month to start in November at ETC. It's been so much fun to pick the fabrics. Barb has been getting the m put together, all paper pieced, but if you've ever wanted to do a New York Beauty this one will be amazing. You'll get enough fabric each month to make 3 blocks so one month you'll make 3 of these...
Another 3 of these etc.There is another one hanging finished, it's going to be amazing!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
New Class quilt
Here's a new sample up at ETC. It's the next Beyond Basics for November, it was such a fun quilt to make with the happy fabrics. It'll be fun to see what everyone makes theirs out of!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Here's a little catch up on my oldest Grandson Aiden. I got to go on Sunday to a nice church service that he was presented with his God and Me award in Cub Scouts. He's gone to classes for the last couple months to meet the requirements and they were presented with the pin at the service, so proud of you Aiden!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Hey ! I'm Back!
Hey, I'm back, can you believe it! What a month of techno hazards! Here's the lowdown, first printer's now gone to the land of dead printers....the wifi went down, was up, then down,and finally Chris figured out it was all a printer that was plugged into the router that was causing havoc (If I'd have known the printer would have been unplugged!) So it was fixed, then went nuts so I just unplugged that darn thing! Ha I can fix that now. So then for a week I've been trying to get onto my blog and it wouldn't let me! UGH! So I asked for help from Mississippi! Jamie looked at it and she could get on! oh my gosh! So Jeremy got on and yea for face time he helped me and I got rid of "cookies", and here I am! So watch out for those cookies, they not only make you fat they make it so you can't log into your own blog! So problem solved! Still have to find a cord so Ken can print directly to the printer and not run it thru the router and also figure out why my Kindle ( which isn't even mine but is Chris's do you have an extra? but who cares cuz he shared it with me!) won't charge. ( always when you get into a good book and also finally download a couple free apps for the grandboys to play!)It's been plugged in for 2 days and still shows red, I tried the hard shut down thing I read about on line, so if any one has hints on getting that fixed let me know, other than that the technologically challenged house is getting better! I'll get some photo's up, I"m so behind! Do you know how much we use the internet, oh my gosh, but thanks to the parking lots I did sit in and the actual places that I did go and my kids whose houses I went to sit in and pay bills, You don't realize how much you access it until you can't! But I'm back!!!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Amy and Chris
A fun picture I snapped of Amy and Chris as they left on a fun trip this last weekend. (we are at their house feeding the kitty and checking on things and using the wifi! yea!) The 3 little boys who are getting to be such big boys now are heading to our house first thing friday morning for some fun playtime and overnight before we head to the airport to pick up their Mom and Dad on Saturday So a picnic is planned at the park, the netflix Lorax Dr. Seuss movie has arrived, we'll be having lots of fun!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Just a random shot for quick update from my birthday last week, My little boys minus little Noah ( but Noah sent me a fun video of himself that day so he was there in my heart!) We had dinner at Amy's house with yummy soup, cheese fondue and brownies! A fun night! ( Brock really did have fun even if it doesn't look like it! How to get 3 little boys on my lap at once! )
I'll post more when I get my wifi back ( thanks McDonalds for this time)
Block of the month
Just a little work related post for ETC. I've been working on the block of the month that is coming up, got 2 more blocks done this week.....aren't they cute! It's not starting until Nov. but I'm trying to get it done and ready to go up, all the blocks so far are in the classroom if you want to stop in and see. Barb and I have had alot of fun choosing the fabrics.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
For the last month I've been in the process of organizing my rulers/templates. You know all those fun rulers we use, not all the time but are wonderful for the right project. Most come with directions, those get separated from the ruler, it was driving me nuts and since I love to organize I"ve started organizing them with those cool plastic file holders, then I took a p-touch label and marked them, so here are a few all done.
I had this file box so they are standing up very nicely in there so they'll be really easy to find. I was telling the gals in one of my classes about this and so far so good, it's working! But I have to get more file holders, in fact this amount X 2 to hold them. Amazon here I come! ( thanks Paradise for the wifi!)Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Where has she been!!!!!!!??????!!!!!
Just a quickie to let you know I"m still here! Internet issues....that's where I've been. Do you realize how much you use the internet and how strange it is when you can't just immediately access it. It started with printer issues, then bloomed into wifi issues, some days we had a glimmer of time, others none. Moving computers, moving printers, printers are all now working yea! Except of course the wireless but I have hopes! So don't give up, I"ll be back, I'm way behind on photos and posts, I even have photo's of all the fun food I "gathered" on my birthday! And thank you all for the well wishes!!!! So for now with my 6 " internet cable that is bypassing the router ( I"ve learned so much) I can at least get a few bills paid before this "hunched over posture" due to the 6 inch cord makes me stop! Chris spent an entire morning here while we played with Bode and Brock and had things all working, so who knows what happened. The friendly "cox-fixitchick" you talk to doesn't like our router, neither did the "cox-fixitman" a week ago, so maybe we are going to have to buckle down and buy a new one...but my personal guru says NO it's fine, so you will see more fun things in my crazy life as soon as I"m back to my spoiled rotten state of WIFI! (if you see a crazy person in Starbucks or McDonalds on her laptop seeking wifi you might think its me! desperate times call for desperate measures!)