Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 2 with Noah

We've had a great Sunday with Noah and his parents!  Noah loves his Christmas present, he thinks having his own chair is wonderful!

 Yesterday afternoon we went outside to play, took a long walk, he jumped in his little jumpy house...
 Which he gets so excited when it gets blown up! It was fun to be outside and watch the leaves falling, the pineneedles are also falling so it's very "fall" out, neighbors are starting to rake their pineneedles, guess then everyone wants them as Pine Straw for around their bushes....where we have rock they use bark or pine straw.

 love the big steps with Papa!

 This morning we had time to play outside for a our jammies!  and then get ready for church, Noah had fun in the church nursery and then we stopped for sandwiches on the way home.Today is Noah's 1 1/2 year birthday so we got to help take his 18 month picture shot...lots of jumping around with Mickey on Papa's head and we got some cute shots!
 Home to play a bit and Noah is having his nap.  I got in on some Airplane-ing, I know how to remove the vinyl from sheets of aluminum airplane parts and I also now how to deburr the gazillions of holes that are on each part. It sort of sounds like an airplane factory, I almost feel like Rosie the Riveter!

 Still waiting on this little guy to wake up, His Mommy and Daddy have left on an adventure to Tuscaloosa ( closest town that has any kind of shopping and eating about 1 hour away) so they have plans to shop and eat real food in a real restaurant!  We'll be having a fun afternoon evening too!

1 comment:

  1. What FUN you are having!!! What day will be your "early Christmas" with Jeremy & Jamie?
