Sunday, December 2, 2012


So I mentioned I'm working at Kohls.  It's all part time, but will supplement things when I have no classes scheduled at our favorite place ETC.  We have found in the past it's not worth scheduling classes to teach by mid Nov. on as everyone is way to busy to come and their money needs to go for holiday things, so classes are done. We are hot and heavy planning all fun things for Jan- April!  The calendar is scheduled, descriptions are in, I spent the airplane ride east typing up class requirements and signs so believe me we are ready for all the fun at ETC! Wait till you see the good stuff comin! So in the meantime other than my design days at ETC and days getting the Block of the Months prepped I have been at Kohls learning all kinds of things.  It's been quite the experience seeing how a big store operates and how smoothly, you can tell it's not their first rodeo!  I was hired and have worked with crews at price changes, on the truck crew unboxing the mulititude of inventory that arrives 2 times a week, folding and hanging, it's amazing.  Wee hours of the morning some days, clocking in at 5am truck time.  Lately they have me at the register...and I do prefer it, close contact with lots of people and it's been fun. Not near as exhausting as the truck crew but still mentally and physically tiring   Black Friday came and went and I SURVIVED!  Clocked in at 11:30 Thanksgiving night  and got home at 10:30 the next morning.  I've never eaten so much junk food and diet coke thru the night to stay awake.  Doors open, people run, it's absolutely nuts!  Lines stayed huge until about 4am, lull until about 6am and then they were wrapped around the store again! Kohls takes good care of us tho, gave us each a bagger, every couple hours another POS ( point of sale) person came behind us and said take your break or lunch and then in a bit we were back ready to go again.  Firehouse sub sandwiches for all the hard working employees, lots of caffeinated drinks, chips, you name it, they kept us going for 10 hour shifts!  So since then I've been scheduled elsewhere as replenishment or such but they end up during those shifts putting me out on the register.  A well oiled machine so it's been interesting to see how it all runs.  Lots of nice people to be around, other employees very helpful as I muddle my way thru, been good to get the brain learning all kinds of new things with their system as we can do exchanges, bill payments, give discounts, sign people up for credit cards besides doing the normal sales. So the brain gets energized doing that when I'm not at the other job teaching people lots of other things! They've been gracious to work around my other job too.  Seasonal I suppose will end by beginning to mid Jan. but they've already said they want to hire me after so time will tell what happens at that point.  I sort of was surprised to hear that already but one manager pulled me aside soon after my one month review and said there will be a place for me so be thinking about it.  I think the one thing we've all enjoyed at Kohls that most people know about is their "stacking " of discounts.  If an item is on sale, you can still use a percentage off coupon and maybe another one or two $10 coupons you might find in the paper etc.  Then we give Kohls cash and this week it was bounce back coupons so they do everything they can to save you money plus we are encouraged to find those things for people and always make them happy!  Sometimes you feel very responsible having that sort of control but it's nice to share savings with everyone!  So as they all know, my family will be having a "very Kohls" kind of Christmas this year as I see the deals and snag a few and get all kinds of discounts, it's been fun!

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