Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Little "B's"

Just a little catch up on my little "B's".  Of course these are a month old but they are still so cute so I have to post them!  Brock has grown so much, he's now 5 months and blowing bubbles with his tongue, so sweet and cuddly, falls asleep so sweet in your arms, is totally distracted when it's time to eat...so typical!  Has the sweetest grin that comes right away when he sees you.
 Bode is so smart and quick and says the cutest things, it's so fun to hear everything he has to say.  What fun we had with them both this week while MB was gone teaching in the evening.
 Love my little B's!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how much little babies change in such a short time!
