Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thornberries quilt group Christmas party

We had a very relaxing fun Christmas party last night at my house with my Thornberry friends.  It was so nice, no one had to rush off and we just all enjoyed being together.  We played quite a few games with lots of white elephant gifts.  Sue has the best game ideas.  We had all made little mini blocks for one game and someone went home with those and we played LCR with fat quarters even!  I made the punch so here are the glasses ready to go....the punch had a whole carton of strawberry ice cream in it and everyone loved wonder!  But it was fun to have festive glasses to drink out of!
 Barb, Lorene and Bobbi...
 These gals are all the best cooks, we have the best recipes' from them all, look at this appetizer, a club cracker, with Parmesan cheese, brown sugar wrapped in bacon....oh my!
 Here we are, me in the back next to Louise and Sue.  We were missing our Friend Terry in California. Bobbi  is seated next to Lorene and Barb.
 It was fun to exchange our gifts.  We draw a name the year before, Terry in CA had Bobbi and this is what she made for her.  It's so fun when her box comes each month full of the blocks or whatever we are swapping, her box with her gift that Bobbi made is ready to mail back to her now.  So I'll have to wait and post that photo another time!

 Lorene made this darling lamp/shade and mat for Louise, all out of wool, it was beautiful!
 Back to food....more bacon.... Lorene made green beans with bacon wrapped around them for our ham dinner.  I didn't get a photo of Sue's appetizer, it was a date fill with Cream cheese and then wrapped with none other than bacon!  All that and then Barb's soup we enjoyed before our meal was her wonderful corn she dumped the cream in, we all agreed just don't think about it all since we don't ever do this!
 Louise made this wonderful Flannel quilt for Barb for her home in Williams that we visited this summer.  With the snow I saw on the news today with this winter storm going thru made that quilt look pretty nice and warm!
 And to top off the fat for the night..... Sue made home made tiaramisu...oh my gosh it was so good.
 Barb made these fun little banners for Lorene to go on the neat little hanger.  Plus patterns for many other to add for every holiday!
 I made Sue a project tote that unfolds with pockets for everything you might need to take along.  I filled it with all kinds of goodies so she can pack up to head to a Dr. appt or on a trip.
 Sue made me this darling wall hanging. all out of wool. I"ll try and take some close ups of it so you can see another time, it's darling and I love it!
With the rain coming down, we had such a cozy night to light candles and stay in and enjoy each others company for another year.  Lots of laughs and good times, this group is a huge inspiration to me!  Another year begins so all our challenges and swaps and fun things we do begin anew!

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