Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lots of S's.....

Lots of S's going on around here. First we love our spring in Arizona!  Everything is blooming, our tree in the front yard has burst into pretty purple blossoms that smell just like Grape , you can Smell it clear across the yard!  Altho with it being in the 90's today is Summer close at hand???? ( and what was that cat hair ball billowing across the wood floor too.....summer is at hand as the cats must be shedding already....ho hum, back to sweeping the floor every day!)

Ken's been busy, took out 2 little small palms in the back yard that had gotten Ugly looking and we were afraid the way they were leaning they could fall on a little person.  So out they came, to the street for the bulk pick up next week!  And we planted a new itty bitty Sissoo tree. Same kind we planted last fall that grew already by leaps and bounds. Best part is I had this great coupon for 20% off, so we went and picked one out this week and ended up paying only $40.  Love having a coupon for a shade tree. Can't wait for it to grow now. Hopefully where it's planted we'll get shade on the patio at sunrise in the summer.  The one we planted by the laundry room went from a 1 inch trunk to about 3 inches in just a few months, and it came thru the harsh frost we had this year so it'll be fun to watch this one grow.
And the last S is Scorpion!  Ken had his first hunt tonight after one blantantly sat on the patio in the open looking at us!  28, yep the first hunt of the year was successful!  Chris heard the results and had to hunt...only 1, Barb had to go looking - only 2 and one back yard on of the hazards of scorpion hunting....ours is usually a palm tree! oops!

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