Friday, March 8, 2013

More Mississippi Photos

Here's a few more photo's from our trip to Mississippi.  Here is Noah playing, glad I got his cute toy box Jeremy made in the background with his name on it and a T-6  etched into it.  
 Loved all the little Tot-lots on the base for families to play at. So convenient right out their back door!
 this is looking from the tot lot back at their house.  Nice screened in porch.  That's Riley waiting by the door!

 Of course all the little sit on spring toys are in the shape of air force jets.  Very appropriate as the trainer jets fly overhead in the pattern.
 This is the front of their house. Kind of like a duplex with the other half for another family.

A quick snap early one morning as we were off to the airport, Jamie off to work in her scrubs and Noah off to his day care.
  Sure do miss this little guy!!!!!


  1. What a nice home and neighborhood.

  2. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful Mississippi trip photos...and the Base house is very nice! Glad they are settled for the next couple months!
