Thursday, July 18, 2013

Our 4th of July

We had a great celebration time on the 4th of July.  Full of family, didn't get a photo of everyone but we all had a great time.  Chris and MB hosted us at their home, lots of great food and family there, always fun to spend time with MB's family and catch up with them too.  Weather wasn't so great this year like last years unheard of 80 degree evening!  But we cooled off in the pool, Chris cooked hot dogs on the grill, we all brought yummy sides and by dark the pyrotechnic happened as usual with the neighbors!
Here's Aiden
 Mr. Brock with a ball in mid-bounce!

 Amy and Chris, they all had their matching red shirts on!
 Papa and Brockers
 These made my mouth water just looking at them!
 Chris and Eric have alot of fun with their firecrackers!

 Amy and Aiden

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bode's Birthday

Can't believe our Bode is 3 now!  Here's some highlights from his party.  He got right into his pillowcase we brought him filled with big blocks.
 Lots of building going on!

 Mr. Brock is doing so well pulling up and has figured out how to get back down!  He's on the move!

 So fun to have so much family around to celebrate!
 Brock was playing patticake with my Mom, he was very enthralled with her across the table!
 Ready to blow out candles with cousins around!
 I've not yet seen a little one enjoy their birthday in such a darling way, Bode sang so heartily with the rest of us, it was so cute!  Bode 1 and 2 were so fun we can't wait to enjoy 3 with you!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Next quilt to teach

Got this quilt finished up and hung this week, it's the next Beyond Basics at ETC.  It's starting up in another week and goes into August.   A neat one to learn partial seems on...not so hard!  

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sew and Go

Here is our sew and go project for Tuesday this week at ETC.  It's our Fall banner. Lots of great ladies signed up to come and have fun that day!  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ikea Day

We planned an Ikea shopping day with Amy and her boys.  Lots of fun.Garrett had saved up some money to buy a desk chair for his room.  We had fun looking at lots of things, doing lots of measuring!
 We went to IN and OUT burger then for lunch with a stop at Lakeshore for supplies for preschool ready to begin in a few weeks.  It was a fun day with these boys!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Heading to Tucson

Ken and I headed to Tucson first thing this morning.  Jeremy said this week Noah was missing us....could we come play...and while here Noah wanted a cooking lesson....perhaps green chile burros....and maybe can we spend the night....and if so can they leave for a bit of a "staycation"???? That didn't take time to think about so here we are. We've had a big day. lots of fun.  Cooked during naptime so Noah missed his cooking lesson. :-)  A couple different meals are in the freezer with some for tomorrow.  They've only text about 4 one called tho!  This really is their first time away from him.  So I"m sure they are having a great break and so are we!  
Brought Noah a backpack and Curious George...gotta love those Kohls deals and there I am at work and they just stare at me until I buy them!  When you are 2 you can wear your back pack in the front! 
 George shared lunch too!  And he loves singing the Wheels on the bus!  He's got great arms for action!

 They have a great park right by their house, just behind it in fact! Lots of fun toys with several structures. I can tell he's so brave on all the slides he's been out there alot.  It really is cooler here in Tucson!  Some great clouds coming thru today but no rain...rats!

 Can you tell we are having fun!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Our Day in Tucson

Ken and I drove down to Tucson for one last day of help for our kiddo's big move.  Mostly tho we were the "dog return" vehicle!  The beagle finally got to go home to his family!  One quick shot here of them in their new home on base.  I believe Jeremy starts his new job this coming week so hopefully all will be settled by then.  Jamie has hers set up too so once they get tops on the list at the child care all will get into a routine which is always good.  This was right before we ran to Boston Market for dinner, yummy! 
 Just a quick view of the gates as you are driving in.....
 We picked Jeremy up on our way into town, he was returning the last truck to the penske place so we found it and got him picked up and back home too!  Such big trucks....2 of those each pulling a more big move done, lots of prep ahead, what alot of work!  months of packing and planning to pull it off, nice they are in one spot again where they can settle in, so good to have them so close!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Mystery Quilt

Had to show you fast my mystery quilt top from class.  It was the last 2 weeks at ETC and so neat to see how everyone's turned out!  Loved them all.  Everyone had a great time, we had a potluck each day and was fun to have food and they all had fun sewing.  So many brought their finished tops back today to Sew and Go it was great to see!  I did mine with very scrappy colors for Christmas using up a few little tidbits. I had the background, scrappy reds, the golds are scrappy and so were the blues.  I did buy the border and inner border.  The pattern was fun as there were 3 different lay outs with the same pieces.  Not quilted yet, had to move on to the next sample but one of these days!  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

All Cut Up

Come to the All Cut Up Demo tomorrow at ETC and see how easy this bag is to make!  It went together in no time and I'll show you all the tips and tricks I learned doing it!  The demo is about 15 minutes, you can stay in the lab and work on your projects so bring your machine and enjoy the nice cool air conditioning at ETC!  11:00 tomorrow, you'll get the pattern, but you might as well escape at 10 to make the day last!  Besides by then it'll be 110 degrees anyway!  The handles are really neat and very easy to add!  And so  inexpensive, I was shocked, we have a few of each color so better get their early for best pick!  Course we will order can you not want red!  Oh and the new
Block of the week....Halloween....will be displayed as well so come get first dibs on those spots as they are only cutting so many kits and it is darling!  Sew and Go got a sneak peek today!  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fun Family time

Lots of fun time together with our family in the last week. With Jeremy and Jamie and Noah's arrival we had a weekend of anticipation finally ending with everyone, lots of impromptu get together s, Bruce and Vickie welcoming us all to join them at their home and bringing food here the night everyone arrived since we grew from just a couple to "the mob".  Here is Bruce graciously cooking the hot dogs and hamburgers.
 Amy and Jamie
 The two truck drivers after they got here, 3 days on the road was enough, besides having to share your beef jerky with the dogs!
 Jamie with lots of "boys"
 Jeremy with Aiden, Bode and Ethan
 Ken and Bruce and Vickie sharing some good times.
 Amy enjoying watching Noah blow out his birthday candles with Garrett and Ethan
 And here's our birthday boy who slept thru 90% of his birthday party.