Terry and her Crazy Life

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break Adventure !

A day was saved on everyones Spring break to have a fun adventure with me. We started bright and early this morning by heading to the Light Rail to catch a train into downtown Phx.

It was Amy and Ethan's first time on the train. Ethan loved it.
We got off at 3rd Street and walked towards the museum and got to stop and play on the brass insects along the way.
Garrett sitting on the scorpion !

Once we got to the Childrens Museum in downtown Phoenix we had such fun. They loved the race cars and even Ethan could do it. The ball room was wonderful. This wall is magnetic and each of the pipes has a magnet attached to it so the kids can move and make their own trails for balls to roll in.Garrett and Aiden are busy building something wonderful !

Ethan loved sitting on the high area feeding the balls into the gutters that travel around the room.

There is a new room that just opened 2 weeks ago and the boys had a blast in there. It's a room for making tents and forts. All the sheets have ribbon loops sewn on them, and clips to hook them to things, lots of building materials....a kids heaven ! Garrett built this hide out behind this door that is leaning against the wall. Very ingenious things around to get the imagination going !

Aiden loved being up in the center tower and so did Ethan. Aiden was building a sandbag wall ( actually they are gunny sacks filled with beads so they feel like bean bags)
We stopped playing for a bit and had our picnic outside in the sunshine.
While Ethan had a chance to play in the toddler/baby room we did some other things, the ball blower was wonderful. Wish this shot wasn't so blurry, Garrett was just feeling so good throwing about 6 balls in the air at once, time after time. Those arms just went into the air like he was free and ready to fly and the smile was clear across his face.
What a wonderful thing they've created in the old Monroe school.

this is outside the toddler room, if you aren't ever sure what to do with old shoes...you glue them to the wall and then paint them, it's' amazing, of course they've poked cute things here and there, it is so funny to look at an entire wall of shoes.

Each area has books appropriate for the room so it's fun to stop and read a story, we read one by the cars and motorcycle, then Ethan sat for this one by the garden where you plant and gather flowers. He's pointing at the kitty saying meow.

So we walked back to the train once everyone was pooped. Enjoyed the ride back to Mesa and then we decided we were starving and needed a 2nd lunch, drove thru Arby's, you've never seen jr. sandwiches disappear so fast, even Ethan chowed his down. We were heading home when we realized we could stop and visit Papa so we surprised him with 3 smiling faces !

Ethan was brave this time and sat on the forklift.

And then realized there was a horn to beep, such cute belly laughs ! He's looking at Papa to see what he thinks !

And finally our last destination on the way to my car was Swirl it. Yum, everyone needed some sugar to make it thru the day, we sure had a fun one !


  1. WHAT FUN!! Great photos of the boys and Amy...and some great memories were made for all of you!

  2. That discovery center is really cool! What creative ideas for kids to have fun.
